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Hello Everyone! We are so sorry for the confusion but due to some issues on our end we are not going to be able to start ticket sales this week. We are taking into account all the feedback we've received from students, staff, and parents and we will let you know our plan as soon as possible. Again, we are extremely sorry for any inconvenience this might cause. 

Our show dates are:

Thursday, November 14 @ 7:00pm

Friday, November 15 @ 7:00pm

Saturday, November 16 @ 2:00pm and 7:00pm

Thank you for understand and we'll release an update soon regarding status of tickets. Thanks for your patience!


Welcome to the offical Golden Wings Theatre Company website! We are a student run organization located at Council Rock High School South in Holland PA. Every year we put on 3 shows which include anything from musicals to comedies to regular plays and so much more! Feel free to explore our website or if you're stuck you can get started with the quick links down below! Also don't forget to check out and follow our socials below!

Click here to find out more info about us and what we do!

Highly encourged for new members to read these!

Click here to find out what previous shows we have performed!